World Oceans Day This Friday June 8th 2012
Theme :“Youth: the Next Wave for Change”
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of World Oceans Day, first designated on June 8, 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Canada and other countries continue to hold celebrations on June 8 to mark World Oceans Day. As a result of a United Nations General Assembly resolution passed in December 2008, World Oceans Day is now officially recognized by the UN on June 8 each year.
World Oceans Day is an opportunity every year to honor the world's ocean, celebrate the products the ocean provides, such as seafood, as well as marine life itself for aquariums, pets, and also a time to appreciate its own intrinsic value. The ocean also provides sea-lanes for international trade. Global pollution and over-consumption of fish have resulted in drastically dwindling population of the majority of species.
World Oceans Day offers the opportunity to celebrate the wonders of the underwater world and look carefully at our interactions with the sea. An increasing number of people are moving to the coasts, but for many of them what goes on beneath the surface is still a mystery. As a result the ocean is often left out of sight, out of mind,
World Oceans Day offers the opportunity to celebrate the wonders of the underwater world and look carefully at our interactions with the sea. An increasing number of people are moving to the coasts, but for many of them what goes on beneath the surface is still a mystery. As a result the ocean is often left out of sight, out of mind,
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